Pears, Pecans, and Gorgonzola Pizza

Pears, Pecans, and Gorgonzola Pizza
This pizza is another Companion Group favorite. It satisfies a sweet tooth, yet it’s kind of healthy since it has fruit, right? For a different variation of this pizza, try substituting candied pecans and omitting the honey. Both versions are delicious.
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  1. 1 each thin crust pizza round of your choice
  2. 4 oz. Bosc or D’anjou pear, thinly sliced
  3. 2 oz. pecan halves
  4. 2 oz. Gorgonzola cheese
  5. 1.5 oz. wildflower honey
  1. Pre-heat your oven to 550º F. for one hour with your pizza stone or steel inside or pre-heat according to instructions if using another method.
  2. Place your pizza crust round on your floured pizza peel or pizza screen.
  3. Distribute the pear slices evenly on your pizza and proceed to top evenly with the Gorgonzola cheese and pecan halves.
  4. Turn on your broiler and bake the pizza for approximately 5 minutes or until the crust is evenly browned and nicely crisped, rotating the pizza halfway through.
  5. Remove the pizza from the oven. Drizzle with honey.
  6. Slice, serve, and enjoy!
  1. Recipe Courtesy of Pizzacraft and The Companion Group
Recipes from Cooks Warehouse
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